ロシア衛星 Tanusha-1/2

● (No.959) ロシア衛星 Tanusha-1/2 (2017年7月2日)


Technology, Communication
Release: 17 Aug 2017 from ISS
145.800MHz FM, 437.050MHz 9600bps
Southwestern State University in Kursk, Central Russia

Tanusha-1 should begin around 18:30 UTC on July 4.
Transmissions will cease on July 6 from 08:20 till 18:00 UTC
to allow the satellites to be swapped out.

Tanusha-2 will then be activated beginning on July 6
around 18:00 UTC and continue until July 8 at 10:30 UTC.

Tanusha-1 four voices

The Earth will receive voice messages of congratulation in four languages
(Russian, English, Chinese, Spanish) from satellites at 3-min intervals.

   English message
   Spanish message
   Russian message
   Chinese message
(C)Tanusha-SWSU-1(RS-6) active


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