Weight Training Menu

(Revised on Wednesday, September 23, 1998)

1. No smoking. No drinking.

2. Monthly fat rate and weight check

3. Regular weight training and protein intake

1. stretches

[ ] 1) vertical extension: center, left & right

[ ] 2) horizontal extension: higher left & right, lower left & right

[ ] 3) leg-crossed bending: left & right

[ ] 4) elbow pushes & pulls: left & right

[ ] 5) head turning: clockwise & counterclockwise

[ ] 6) shoulder turning

2. warming-up

[ ] 1) jogging or jumping rope: minimum 20 minutes

[ ] 2) push-ups: 50 times (maximum) x 3 sets

3. weight traning

[ ] 1) lat machine pull down behind the neck: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 2) butterfly: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 3) leg extension: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 4) leg curl: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 5) bench press: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 6) dumbell shrug: 20 times x 2 sets

[ ] 7) barbell curls: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 8) side raise: 20 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 9) dumbell raise: 10 times x 3 sets

[ ] 10) lunges: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 11) squat: 7 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 12) reverse depth: 10 times x 3 sets

[ ] 13) sit-ups: 20 times (maximum) x 3 sets

[ ] 14) stretches: the same as above

4. protein and/or BCAA intake

[ ] 1) 40g of powdered protein with 400 cc milk and or BCAA 10 tabs

[ ] 2) banana (carbonhydrate) to aid the digestion and absorption of protein

[ ] 3) vitamin tablets: B complex, C, E and calcium

5. bathing to faciliate super compensation (48~72 hours)

[ ] 1) hot water --> sauna --> cold water (3 sets)

6. meal

[ ] 1) meal rich in protein and carbonhydrate with little fat

[ ] 2) vegetable juice & fruit juice

7. sleep

[ ] 1) sleep 7-10 hours