Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC) 9th ed. -2nd Categories-

[Updated: 2008-Aug-01]
100 Philosophy
101 Theory of philosophy
102 General history of philosophy
103 Reference books
104 Essays and lectures
105 Serial publications
106 Organizations
107 Study and teaching
108 Collected works. Collections
110 Special treatises on philosophy
111 Metaphysics. Ontology
112 Philosophy of nature. Cosmology
113 View of life. World view
114 Philosophic anthropology
115 Epistemology
116 Logics. Dialectics. Methodology
117 Philosophy of value
118 Philosophy of culture and technics
[119] Aesthetics  -->701.1
120 Oriental thought
121 Nipponese thought
122 Chinese thought
123 Chinese classics
124 Sages of Pre-Chin
125 Medieval and modern thought
126 Indian philosophy. Brahmanism
129 Other Oriental and Arabic thought
130 Western philosophy
131 Ancient philosophy
132 Medieval philosophy
133 Modern philosophy
134 German and Austrian philosophy
135 French and Dutch philosophy
136 Spanish and Portuguese philosophy
137 Italian philosophy
138 Russian philosophy
139 Other philosophy
140 Psychology
141 General psychology
143 Developmental psychology
145 Abnormal psychology
146 Clinical psychology. Psychoanalysis
147 Parapsychology
148 Divination
[149] Applied psychology
150 Ethics. Morals
151 Systems and doctrines
152 Family and sexual ethics
153 Professional and occupational ethics
154 Social ethics
155 National polity
156 Bushidô
157 Hôtokukyô. Shingaku
158 Other ethical topics
159 Practical ethics
160 Religion
161 Science of religion
162 History and conditions of religions
163 Primitive religions
164 Myths. Mythology
165 Comparative religion
166 Taoism
167 Islam
168 Hinduism. Jainism
169 Other religions
170 Shintô
171 Shintô theology
172 History and conditions of Shintô
173 Shintô sacred classics
174 Priestly memoirs. Sermons
175 Shrines. Shintô priests
176 Shintô festivals
177 Shintô missions
178 Sectarian Shintô
180 Buddhism
181 Buddhist doctrines
182 History and conditions of Buddhism
183 Buddhist scriptures
184 Sermons. Preaching
185 Temples. Buddhist priests
186 Buddhist services and customs
187 Buddhist missions
188 Buddhist sects
190 Christianity
191 Christian theology
192 History and conditions of Christianity
193 Bible
194 Priestly memoirs. Sermons
195 Christian church. Holy orders
196 Ritual and liturgy
197 Missions
198 Denominations of Christian churches
199 Judaism
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