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Lamborghini Diablo SE30 Conversion

Updated on 02/19/99

The more pronounced front bumper was made by using polyester putty.  I made a template from a sheet of plastic, and used it as a guide to build up the amount necessary. 
The rear bumper was enlarged by using plastic sheet.  The general shape was formed by several pieces of plastic sheet, and the corners were made with polyester putty.  The louvers on the engine cover were made by cutting out several pieces of plastic.  The end of the rear wing was made with a piece of plastic sheet also.  The rear end of the body was cut open to install a different design of louvers.

The wheels were made by resin casting.  In order to avoid duplicating the effort, the front wheel master was made by modifying the part in the kit, and the mold for the front wheel was made.  Then, the part was modified to represent the rear wheel, and the rear wheel mold was made. 
This is how the model looks now.  The engine room is detailed, and the interior is almost finished.

Lamborghini Diablo SE30 Conversion



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Last modified : 1999-02-19