Do you have a child labeled as autistic? The earlier you start the treatment, the better the child's life will be.

Tsumiki no Kai
Japanese-Speaking Advocacy Families, Professionals and Students for Behavioral Treatment
Tsumiki no Kai is a global, independent group of Japanese-speaking parents, grandparents, professionals and students who study and practice behavioral intervention, especially the Lovaas-type developed at UCLA, for children with autistic spectrum disorders.
If your computer has a set of Japanese fonts, visit the Tsumiki no Kai Japanese page. Most of the members live in Japan; some in Canada, France and the US. Many of them exchange ideas via the Tsumiki Mailing List. Tsumiki no Kai originally started in 2000 at Kobe, where workshops and seminars are held.Monthly meeting is held at Tokyo and Osaka, too.This English page, originally created in 2001, is maintained by Ryota Iijima. Link to Iijima's personal homepage

For more information, send email, in Japanese or English, to Ryuji Fujisaka <>.