Spring Break

Guess what?
It's almost Spring Break! Only four more days of school, but a little unfair problem. That little unfair problem is that the sixth graders' have no more school days! Their school days ended on Saturday.

First graders' through fifth graders' school days end on Friday. Then there is some good news. The first news is that we have Monday off. The next good news is we don't have to eat the school's disgusting lunch anymore.

Then I have some bad news. The bad news is that when I come home from school I am starved. Then the next news is that I have a lot of homework and tests. We have 11 days of Spring Break.

After Spring Break I'll be in fourth grade. Then I have three month of school. Then I'll have some Summer Vacation.

I can't wait until school is over.

Non (3/19/00)