All About Today

Today, we woke up, breakfast, and cleaned up. Our grandparents came soon. We looked at the photograph they brought. It was blown up large. Our cousin was in the photograph too.

After we drew pictures and gave it to our grandmother, we had lunch. I finished quickly. Since others were still eating, I began to read the Wishbone mystery book that I was hooked on.

Soon I finished reading, and when I looked up, I was surprised to find everyone gone. Quickly, I went to join my grandfather, Chi, and Non who were playing a game of CLUE. I helped my grandfather, and he won.

My Grandfather announced that it was time to go home. My Mom said quickly," Kao hasn't made cotton candy!" So I made cotton candy fast. I gave it to everyone, who loved it. My grandparents just LOVED it! They asked how much the cotton candy maker was. My Mom said it was around 68 dollars. My grandmother asked my grandfather," Can we afford it?"

Finally, we cleaned up and they got ready to go. We went to the bus stop and got on the bus. We went to the bus station, and waved as my grandparents disappeared from view.

By Kaoru Saito (01/09/00)