
One Friday, I ran 1000 Meters. 1 mile is 1.6 meters. I couldn't walk. It was being timed. Okay. The teacher said we could quit if we didn't think we can make it. I knew I couldn't make it, but since my friend Rina didn't give up after she knew she was one round behind. She took 7min. and 37 sec..

So I ran with group D. It was all girls, you see, but they were fast! I wasn't SO behind, this girl said, " Do you want to quit now with me?" on the 3rd round, but I replied." No, I want to keep going because I don't want us to be the only ones who quit." So we kept running. I was gasping for air. Usually I could stop and rest but not this time. I almost died because my heart was pounding like crazy and my lungs were trying to hog all the air in the whole wide world.

When it was the last round, I was ready to drop down dead. I mean it. When it was close to the finish line, everybody being finished except the girl who asked me it I wanted to quit with her and me. I kept up with the girl. Then, everybody started yelling. " DASH!!!!!" Well hello. I would have gone faster if I had the energy. I made it!!!!! The timing was 5min, 32 sec. It wasn't so bad. Rina asked me if I was o-kay. I said, "I guess." I really wanted to say that I was about to die, was just out of breath.

Later, Mum read a newspaper article that said that this high school student died right before he reached the goal while running 1500 meters. He ran 500 more meters and died. That person was in HIGH SCHOOL. I'm glad I only had to run 1000M.

BY Chi