Mum's magic milk bread

Mum's magic milk bread. That's what we had for breakfast. I'll explain what it is.

Mum- That's what my sisters and I call mom. We got the idea from the hotdog supper in September, when you got a sticker on your plate, you won a mum. I showed the word MUM to my mum, she liked it, because she likes mums and mummies. Neat, huh? If you think it's weird, try reading Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl; Anne calls her mom Mummy. (Honest. I've read it. It gave me nightmares.)

Magic Milk- That's what mum called condensed milk when I asked what it was when I was in kindergarten. I thought she bought the condensed milk, which I thought was powdered milk, and mum added her magic spell on it. I really thought that. That's what I told Mico. I think it's a cute idea, because mum thinks so too and she doesn't object.

Bread is the regular white bread. Sometimes it's toasted, sometimes it has butter, or sometimes, it's just plain with magic milk.

What do you think? I usually don't like sweet breakfasts, but I love the breakfast when we have Mum's magic milk bread. Wouldn't you?
