Laundry and the strong wind

We live on the 11th floor. The wind is very strong. You don't need air conditioning if you can survive through strong wind that blow away your homework and the dust the wind brings.

In Japan, people hang their laundry outside, instead of using drying machine. In the mornings, you can here people beating on their laundry. The laundry dries quick because of the wind.

However, there is one problem. The wind is so strong I'm afraid the laundry will fly away. The laundry, towels for example, does somersaults often. It looks funny, but you don't know when it could fly away, do you? Ever since we hung the laundry outside, none of our laundry flew away.

I hope none of our laundry will fly away, because it will be hard to catch it from the 11th floor. Chi