
As you may know, Popoko is Saito Family's dog. Popo is her short name. As you may also know, my grandparents are going to keep Popo. On the 16th of July, we rented a car with a computer navigator, and off we went to the Narita airport to fetch Popo. Her kennel was size Large. She was an inch taller for the Medium size. Medium was $60.00. Large was $ 75.00. Great. Narita to Gumma (My grandparents' house) is pretty far. We followed the navigator's directions. I'll get to it later.

My sisters all sat in the back. I sat by Popo who was in a large kennel, whose fur messed up my clothes and hair. I didn't care, though. I missed her. We all fought against each other for many reasons: for being too loud, for taking a seat that everyone wanted to sit, me getting to sit by Popo, getting the dirty seat, ride taking so long because of someone (yeah, right,) and so on. The reason the ride took longer then it should have is because of the navigator. It had us on the highway, then the regular road, then back on the highway. We spent extra hour. Guess what? I didn't even take a nap! (and that it AMAZING!!!) It was such a long, unexciting trip that even Popo - a dog! - Fell asleep. I watched her. She was extremely cute.

We finally go to my grandparent's. My grandparents had met Popo once. Anyone remember? They came in November. I don't know who's reading, but some one must remember when my grandparents came. Mrs. Quinn? Ms.Kay? Rebecca? Oh well. Well if Popo remembers or not, she definitely liked my grandfather. My grandmother likes Popo, I think, but I don't think Popo gives affection to my grandmother. I guess my dad is very similar to his mother, because Popo doesn't like my dad.

Popo is mean!!!! Kao and I were out there with Popo, and when my grandfather came, she just abandoned Kao and me. She went over to grandpa. She's mean sometimes, that Popo. We left the next day. We got in the car, and the car inched backwards, making sure we don't hit anything. We left. And I was looking at Popo beside my grandma. When my grandma raised her hand, do you know what Popo did? She ducked her head down, as if she was going to be hit. The last thing I wanted to be reminded of is the face of Popo, Which looked like saying " What? Y'all are going to abandon me? Wait! No! You forgot to take me! NOOOOOO!" It looks cute, but I don't like that look.

You'd think she'd be homesick for us, don't you? Too bad, you're wrong. She goes for walking two times everyday, and gets her water changed to a cold water three times a day, etc. She's totally the "Princess of the Dogs in the Whole Wide World." Ha. She probably likes my grandparents better then us! But hey! We have her doghouse! It came Saturday. It was on a ship. We're going to deliver it soon. I'll tell -well, type, I meant- how Miss Popoko the Princess acts like. Bye!!

Typed by Chi

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